Thursday, June 29, 2006

Messages from the great Tom Peters

Apart from Tom communicating some meaasges which are listed below he is a truly nice guy. At the end of his presentation my pal Derek said , "Come on Will, let's go and meet him." Now I 'm not one for being slow coming forward but I did take a deep breath...and followed! He was an absolute gent gracious, polite and showed true gratitue we had taken the trouble to find him to say how much we enjoyed his presenation.
1 He quoted Charles Darwin "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

2 His continung theme throughout was excellence. he said it is regularly used in arts and sports but not some much in business.

3 "I'm just a travelling saleman who peddles ideas" ... Wow what a saleman and what ideas!

4 Just try new ideas. "Successful business act from day 1 . Others plan how to plan for months" Quote from Bloomberg

5 He told us he had been presenting for 26 years and made about 2500 speeches. He seems as sad as me at keeping statistics.
As I write I note I have presented to 27,653 people in the 6 years Kintish has been in business

6 Sam Waltons of Walmart's regular message was "Don't be afraid to fail"


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