Thursday, February 01, 2007

Efficient networking

Making the best of networking events
Advertising is floodlight marketing, networking is spotlight marketing and the most effective way to grow a business.

1. Turn up as often as possible. People have short memories, if you're not there referral business will be offered elsewhere

2. Get there early and aim to leave space at the end. That's where the real business is done, in the informal sessions.

3. Have a "giving" attitude. The more help, advice and referrals you give your fellow members, the more you will get back.

4. Aim to speak to new members and guests before the event. The more people you meet the more opportunities you will create

5. Be patient. Networking is about building relationships. Don't expect business to regular come to you for at least six months. It takes time for people to know, like and trust you.

6. Plan to meet fellow members on a one-to-one basis when you do that do you get a greater insight into their business an vice-versa. That way you will know how you can help and be helped.

7. When you have a one-minute presentation make it interesting. Tell anecdotes, mention the different services you offer, even tell personal stories. People buy you before they will buy your services

8. Remember the people round the table may not be your immediate target audience but they all know 200+ others. Everybody is somebody's somebody. Think W I D E not narrow.

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